Freitag, 29. August 2008


Love is universal. Streetball is Love, whether it is NYC or the other side of the World. Check out our Article in Bounce Magazine ( about Streetball in Germany in 2004.

Freitag, 22. August 2008

China-Hair-Connection Peking-Köln

Die Künstler Angie Hiesl und Roland Kaiser lassen „mit bildnerischen und performativen Mitteln … jeweils eingebettet in die Realität vor Ort, fiktionale Welten rund um das Thema Haar entstehen“. An ihrem neuen Projekt „China-Hair-Connection Peking Köln“ sind fünf chinesische und vier europäische Akteure beteiligt. Als Bühne dient an verschiedenen Orten ein „Grenzbereich“ zwischen öffentlichem und privatem Raum.

Dienstag, 12. August 2008

Corporate Design PeoplePeople

Usually Hollywood is the place where folk from Mississippi mistake each other for movie stars... Berlin is also popular for this same confusion. The main reason being - in our opinion - is the successful actions of PeoplePeople, the Casting/Booking Agency from Berlin and their attractive event communications since years. We keep this moving joining them as they celebrate their 5th anniversary.

Mittwoch, 6. August 2008

Corporate Design for NYP

Fresh and simple as you can get... white silkscreen print on solid, heavy, black carton for a film production company from cologne. Further communications with same look and touch. check